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Villa Grace

ID об'єкта: vip119
Регіон (місто): Паттайя
Район: південь

VIP - Паттайя VIP - Паттайя VIP - Паттайя VIP - Паттайя VIP - Паттайя VIP - Паттайя VIP - Паттайя VIP - Паттайя VIP - Паттайя VIP - Паттайя VIP - Паттайя VIP - Паттайя VIP - Паттайя VIP - Паттайя VIP - Паттайя VIP - Паттайя VIP - Паттайя VIP - Паттайя
a:5:{i:1;s:24172:" Главные характеристики:

* 3 виллы в современном тайском стиле

* Большие, тщательно спланированные сады с песколькими салами

* Бильярдная

* Освещаемые прожектором баскетбольная площадка и теннисный корт

* Бассейн для плавания и джакузи

* Винный погреб

* Персонал, владеющий многими языками

* Комната для караоке

* Полностью оборудованный спортзал

* Идеальная вилла для семейного отдыха

* Сауна и парилка

Это – без сомнения уникальная вилла в Паттайе с 3-мя 2-этажными виллами на территории имения, где также есть несколько тайских sala, огромный бассейн для плавания, наружная сидячая ванна джакузи, бильярдная  и освещаемые прожектором баскетбольная площадка и теннисный корт.

Сразу, как только вы попадете на собственность впервые, вы будете поражены размерами и абсолютной красотой садов и вилл. Виллы расположены в правом углу этой собственности, ей присущ дизайн, представляющий Азию во всей ее красе. 3 главные виллы расположены близко друг к другу, что позволит вам, вашей семье и друзьям удобно собираться всем вместе, но на достаточном расстоянии, чтобы наслаждаться отдыхом в уединении, когда вы захотите.

Запутанные дорожки, извивающиеся среди садов, сал, и успокаивающих прудов с лотосами обеспечивают прекрасное место для прогулок на свежем воздухе и небольших пробежек. Среди тропинок вы найдете многочисленные лужайки, отлично подходящие для пикника, или для того, чтобы дети свободно играли на них во время отдыха.

Преимущества сада включают баскетбольную площадку и теннисный корт, освещаемые прожектором. Вдоль беседок между вилл, в саду есть много других мест, где можно посидеть (с крышей и без нее), таких как открытая, немного приподнятая терраса в центре сада, которая является отличным местом для обеда на свежем воздухе. В близком левом углу территории вы наткнетесь на изящную тайскую sala, из которой видно пруд и мост. Это – идеальное место, чтобы отдохнуть от суеты и не спеша, спокойно насладиться напитками или едой.

Вилла 1:

Эта вилла является основным домом, хотя все 3 виллы – самодостаточны; расположены они вокруг взаимосвязанных прудов с лотосами, Salas и бассейна для плавания. Зайдя на эту 2-этажную виллу, вы сразу заметите большую и просторную гостиную, со вкусом украшенную предметами азиатского искусства. Вы увидите большой кожаный диван, состоящий из 3-х секций, достаточно просторный для 6 человек; оборудование для развлечения включает большой телевизор Sony c UBC-спутниковыми каналами,DVD-плеер и музыкальную систему surround sound Sony.

Деревянное имущество и оснащение – основная черта этой виллы с ее деревянными полами и полками, несколькими предметами азиатского искусства, такими как резьба по дереву и скульптуры. Из гостиной вы можете попасть через очень красивые внутренние деревянные двери в спальню, расположенную на первом этаже, которая по-своему довольно уникальна. Спальня разделена на 2 отделения, в одном из которых находится двуспальная кровать, а за перегородкой вы найдете другую часть спальни с 2-мя раздельными кроватями. Это идеально подходит для семей с детьми. Вы сможете найти 2 дополнительные кровати в боксе внизу.

На первом этаже этой виллы вы также найдете ванную комнату для гостей, оборудованную душевой застекленной кабинкой, умывальными раковинами и туалетом.

По пути на второй этаж вы пройдете по большой деревянной лестнице, в конце которой вы увидите другой набор деревянных полок с резьбой и скульптурами, - так же, как и по всей вилле. На втором этаже вы найдете 2 смежные спальни, оборудованные двуспальными кроватями, деревянным имуществом и оснащением и еще прекрасными предметами азиатского искусства. В обеих спальнях есть также оборудование для развлечения, такое как телевизор с плоским экраном со спутниковыми каналами.

Вилла 2:

Идя от одной виллы к другой, вы увидите большую открытую террасу рядом с бассейном для плавания и джакузи. Из этой точки вы также увидите спортзал, который расположен под большой sala/гостиной c крышей, идеально подходящей для обеда на открытом воздухе.

Зайдя в главную часть виллы 2 рядом с большой общей кухней, вы найдете большую гостиную с открытой планировкой и кухней, оснащенной конфорочной плитой и духовкой Smeg, стойкой для завтраков, грилем микроволновой печью вблизи величественного круглого деревянного стола, достаточно большого, чтобы за ним поместились 10 человек. Гостиная расположена таким образом, чтобы обеспечить легкий доступ к бассейну; в ней много имущества и оснащения из красного дерева, что придает комнате утонченную атмосферу. В гостиной есть большой комфортабельный диван, достаточно большой, чтобы 9 человек с удобством отдохнули на нем, просматривая международные спутниковые каналы по большому телевизору Samaung с плоским экраном. Имеется также DVD-плеер.

Вне гостиной вы также увидите ванную комнату для гостей с умывальными раковинами и туалетом.

Поднимаясь на второй этаж виллы по деревянной лестнице, которая выходит на лестничную площадку с красивыми буддистскими картинами и предметами азиатского искусства, вы будете впечатлены. На втором этаже есть 2 спальни, в каждой из которых – двуспальные кровати, большие смежные ванные, деревянные полы и азиатский декор, который сразу же тронет ваши чувства. В каждой спальне есть телевизоры с плоским экраном, DVD-плееры и спутниковое телевидение. В главной спальне имеется большая открытая терраса – отличное место, где можно посидеть, расслабиться и полюбоваться прекрасным озером на территории собственности. Такие детали, как большие раздвижные двери из дерева, создают впечатление, что все на этой вилле тщательно продумано.

Вилла 3:

Эта вилла – 3-я часть собственности, расположена на расстоянии полета камня от бильярдного зала и sala/террасы с крышей. Эта вилла – также 2-этажная. В то мгновение, как вы зайдете на виллу, вы наткнетесь на обеденный стол и примыкающую кухню в западном стиле. Обеденный стол из красного дерева на 6 человек, расположенный рядом со стенами, на которых – прекрасные абстрактные картины, создает великолепное первое впечатление от виллы. Кухня оборудована гранитными counters, 4-конфорочной плитой и приборами для приготовления чая и кофе. Чудесно то, помещение окружают высокие окна, которые не только пропускают огромное количество естественного света, но также обеспечивают живописный вид на отлично ухоженные лужайки в саду.

На первом этаже вы найдете аккуратную гостиную с диваном, обеденным столом и оборудованием для развлечения, таким как большой телевизор с плоским экраном, DVD и спутниковое телевидение. На первом этаже вы также найдете спальню с деревянными полами и гардеробами, высокими окнами, телевизором Samsung, DVD-плеером, спутниковым телевидением и двуспальной кроватью. Спальня не имеет смежной ванной комнаты, зато сразу за гостиной вы найдете ванную комнату для гостей с кабинкой для душа, умывальными раковинами и туалетом.

Поднявшись на второй этаж по деревянной лестнице, вы найдете еще 3 спальни; все с двуспальными кроватями, телевизорами, спутниковыми каналами, смежными ванными комнатами, деревянными полами и кондиционированием воздуха. В двух из спален есть балконы, один из которых можно расценивать, как террасу.


Вилла располагается в южном районе Паттайи Huay Yai, очень тихом и уединенном, но находящемся в 10 минутах езды от Jomtien Beach, и в 15 минутах езды от торговых центров, таких как Big C, Tesco и Makro. За 10 минут езді ві также сможете добраться до Phoenix Golf Club и до популярных в Паттайе мест, таких как Alangkarn Theater, Рattaya Floating Market и Silverlake Vineyard.  Это – великолепное место для наслаждения безмятежным отдыхом поблмзости от всего, что вам нужно, чтобы сделать ваше пребывание здесь удобным и оставить самые яркие впечатления в вашей жизни.


Всего на 3-х виллах – 9 спален, хотя есть место еще для 2-х гостей в одной комнате с двумя раздельными кроватями. Эта спальня приютит двоих дополнительных гостей по цене 1,800 бат за одного человека за ночь; завтрак включен.

Ванные комнаты

На трех виллах в целом 10 ванных комнат.




Всего имеется 3 кухни: 2 – внутри вилл, и большая общая кухня, где есть любое оборудование, известное человеку, и которую обычно обслуживает кухонный персонал. На этой кухне также есть кофеварка и небольшое место со стойкой для завтраков.


На каждой вилле есть своя гостиная

";i:7;s:6:" ";i:11;s:17215:" Key Features 

* Three contemporary styled Thai Villas                  * Snooker room/pavilion 
* Large landscaped gardens with several salas      * Floodlit basketball and tennis courts
* Swimming pool and Jacuzzi                                  * Fully-equipped gymnasium

* Perfect family holiday villa                                     * Multilingual onsite staff                                             
* Karaoke room                                                        * Sauna and steam room

This unique Pattaya rental property is set within its own 23 rai estate with three villas with a combined total of nine rooms. The vast selection of choices and features of Villa Grace is simply astounding.

With several Thai Salas, floodlit tennis and basketball courts, gymnasium, an Infinity Edge private swimming pool, a snooker pavilion and lots of water features and terraces, this is like having your very own mini-resort just for you and your travelling companions. When you enter the estate for the first time through the tall gates, you will be pleasantly surprised by the size and spacious garden areas that sprawl out in front of you.

The beauty of the gardens with its maze of walkways, bridges and ponds provides a therapeutic atmosphere for the perfect Pattaya holiday experience. The three villas are positioned in the right hand corner of the estate within close proximity to one another. This is ideal for those travelling together who want a bit of privacy but also want to share lots of quality time together as a group.

With such stunning villa interiors that have that real Asiatic feel to them, in conjunction with the spacious gardens and five-star facilities, this has to be one of the best holiday villa rentals in our collection. With such a spacious area to enjoy, the villas are ideally suited to those travelling with families as there is lots of space for the kids to roam free and enjoy themselves.

Another quality feature of the estate is the mid-garden terrace that is situated directly between the three villas on a raised level and open air, perfect for a spot of outdoor dining or a place to sit with your travelling companions for a few drinks during the evening. The snooker pavilion is also situated in between the three villas.


This amazing mini-resort is situated on the outskirts of southern Pattaya in Huay Yai, which is a scenic and private place just a 10-minute drive from Jomtien Beach and a further 5-minutes from shopping centers such as Tesco Lotus, Makcro and Big C. Also within a 10-minute drive, you can visit Pattaya tourist attractions such as the Pattaya Floating Market, Silverlake Vineyard and Alangkarn Theater.

For golf lovers, the beautiful Phoenix Golf Club is also under a 10-minute drive from the villa. The villa is set within a secure and private location conducive to that extra special relaxing holiday experience. Although the villa is slightly outside of Pattaya, this is one of its most endearing features – a private place away from the action but close enough so you can have a convenient holiday.

Villa 1

This villa is mainly stated as the Main House, and is situated directly next the infinity edge swimming pool. The villa is set over two storeys where you will find a comfortable lounge decorated in Asian style. There is a three piece settee suite for six persons and lots of entertainment facilities such as a DVD player, Sony surround sound system and a Sony TV with international satellite channels.

The wooden fixtures and fittings that are the main design materials of the interior, alongside artworks and carvings, give the villa a real authentic Thai atmosphere. There is a bedroom situated on the ground floor of the villa, easily accessed from the lounge through some elegant wooden shutters.

The unique feature of the bedroom is that it’s split into two bedrooms, one of which has a double bed and the other with two single beds. This downstairs bedroom setup is ideal for a family with two kids.

There is also a guest bathroom with showers, a wash basin and toilet. On your way upstairs, you will find a stunning wooden staircase that leads to a landing area that is home to lots of wooden shelves, sculptures and wooden carvings. On this floor you will find two more bedrooms, both of which have double beds, ensuite bathrooms and scenic wooden fixtures and fittings that complement the overall concept of the villa. The entertainment features within the two bedrooms are flat-screen TVs and satellite TV channels.

Villa 2

This villa is situated right beside the Main Villa (1), also within close proximity to the pool and relaxation salas. The location of this villa is right next to the western kitchen and snooker pavilion. This villa is also set over two levels with the main living spaces being downstairs. Here, you will find an open-plan living arrangement with a lounge and dining room, alongside a western style kitchen equipped with appliances such as Smeg stovetops and oven, a microwave and grill.

The kitchen is situated within footsteps of a large circular dining table with seating for 10 people. Within the lounge there is a comfortable settee big enough for nine persons and a choice selection of entertainment features that include a DVD player and a large Samsung flat-screen TV with international satellite channels.

The downstairs is also home to a bathroom that has a toilet and wash basin. The bedrooms are situated upstairs and, which is accessed a wooden staircase leading to a landing area that is like a museum with a choice selection of beautiful Asian artworks and Buddhist paintings. There are two bedrooms on this level that have double beds, wooden floors and spacious ensuite bathrooms.

The wooden floorings and Asian décor really give the bedrooms a classy but warm atmosphere. The entertainment features of both bedrooms are TVs with satellite channels and DVD players. The Master Bedroom also has a large open terrace where you can have a seat and enjoy the views overlooking this picturesque estate.

Villa 3

Villa 3 is situated directly next to the snooker pavilion and is very private, perfect for a family. Set over two floors, this villa has four bedrooms, three of which are upstairs while the fourth is downstairs. Making your way into the villa you are greeted by a western standard kitchen equipped with granite countertops, stovetops and tea and coffee making facilities.

Within close proximity to the kitchen, you will also find a dining area with a majestic 6-seat dining table. Making your way to the lounge, you will see a settee, coffee table and entertainment features that include a flat-screen TV with satellite channels and a DVD player. Also on the ground floor is a bedroom that owns a double bed, wooden floors and wardrobes, tall windows and entertainment features such as a DVD player and Samsung TV with international satellite channels.

Although this bedroom doesn’t have an ensuite bathroom, there is a guest bathroom on the same floor with a shower, wash basin and toilet. Upstairs, you will find the other three bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms, wooden floors, TVs with satellite channels and double beds. Within two of the bedrooms there are balconies that in all fairness are big enough to be terraces. Here you can sit with a drink and watch the world go by.



There are nine bedrooms in total spread across the three villas.


The villas have ten bathrooms shared amongst them.

Dining Room

There is a dining room in each villa.


Over the entire estate, you will find three kitchens, two of which are within villas while the third is the main kitchen and is generally used by the onsite cooking staff. This large communal kitchen is where you will find a coffee machine and breakfast bar alongside lots of modern appliances.

Living Rooms

All the three villas have their own lounges.

";i:13;s:17215:" Key Features 

* Three contemporary styled Thai Villas                  * Snooker room/pavilion 
* Large landscaped gardens with several salas      * Floodlit basketball and tennis courts
* Swimming pool and Jacuzzi                                  * Fully-equipped gymnasium

* Perfect family holiday villa                                     * Multilingual onsite staff                                             
* Karaoke room                                                        * Sauna and steam room

This unique Pattaya rental property is set within its own 23 rai estate with three villas with a combined total of nine rooms. The vast selection of choices and features of Villa Grace is simply astounding.

With several Thai Salas, floodlit tennis and basketball courts, gymnasium, an Infinity Edge private swimming pool, a snooker pavilion and lots of water features and terraces, this is like having your very own mini-resort just for you and your travelling companions. When you enter the estate for the first time through the tall gates, you will be pleasantly surprised by the size and spacious garden areas that sprawl out in front of you.

The beauty of the gardens with its maze of walkways, bridges and ponds provides a therapeutic atmosphere for the perfect Pattaya holiday experience. The three villas are positioned in the right hand corner of the estate within close proximity to one another. This is ideal for those travelling together who want a bit of privacy but also want to share lots of quality time together as a group.

With such stunning villa interiors that have that real Asiatic feel to them, in conjunction with the spacious gardens and five-star facilities, this has to be one of the best holiday villa rentals in our collection. With such a spacious area to enjoy, the villas are ideally suited to those travelling with families as there is lots of space for the kids to roam free and enjoy themselves.

Another quality feature of the estate is the mid-garden terrace that is situated directly between the three villas on a raised level and open air, perfect for a spot of outdoor dining or a place to sit with your travelling companions for a few drinks during the evening. The snooker pavilion is also situated in between the three villas.


This amazing mini-resort is situated on the outskirts of southern Pattaya in Huay Yai, which is a scenic and private place just a 10-minute drive from Jomtien Beach and a further 5-minutes from shopping centers such as Tesco Lotus, Makcro and Big C. Also within a 10-minute drive, you can visit Pattaya tourist attractions such as the Pattaya Floating Market, Silverlake Vineyard and Alangkarn Theater.

For golf lovers, the beautiful Phoenix Golf Club is also under a 10-minute drive from the villa. The villa is set within a secure and private location conducive to that extra special relaxing holiday experience. Although the villa is slightly outside of Pattaya, this is one of its most endearing features – a private place away from the action but close enough so you can have a convenient holiday.

Villa 1

This villa is mainly stated as the Main House, and is situated directly next the infinity edge swimming pool. The villa is set over two storeys where you will find a comfortable lounge decorated in Asian style. There is a three piece settee suite for six persons and lots of entertainment facilities such as a DVD player, Sony surround sound system and a Sony TV with international satellite channels.

The wooden fixtures and fittings that are the main design materials of the interior, alongside artworks and carvings, give the villa a real authentic Thai atmosphere. There is a bedroom situated on the ground floor of the villa, easily accessed from the lounge through some elegant wooden shutters.

The unique feature of the bedroom is that it’s split into two bedrooms, one of which has a double bed and the other with two single beds. This downstairs bedroom setup is ideal for a family with two kids.

There is also a guest bathroom with showers, a wash basin and toilet. On your way upstairs, you will find a stunning wooden staircase that leads to a landing area that is home to lots of wooden shelves, sculptures and wooden carvings. On this floor you will find two more bedrooms, both of which have double beds, ensuite bathrooms and scenic wooden fixtures and fittings that complement the overall concept of the villa. The entertainment features within the two bedrooms are flat-screen TVs and satellite TV channels.

Villa 2

This villa is situated right beside the Main Villa (1), also within close proximity to the pool and relaxation salas. The location of this villa is right next to the western kitchen and snooker pavilion. This villa is also set over two levels with the main living spaces being downstairs. Here, you will find an open-plan living arrangement with a lounge and dining room, alongside a western style kitchen equipped with appliances such as Smeg stovetops and oven, a microwave and grill.

The kitchen is situated within footsteps of a large circular dining table with seating for 10 people. Within the lounge there is a comfortable settee big enough for nine persons and a choice selection of entertainment features that include a DVD player and a large Samsung flat-screen TV with international satellite channels.

The downstairs is also home to a bathroom that has a toilet and wash basin. The bedrooms are situated upstairs and, which is accessed a wooden staircase leading to a landing area that is like a museum with a choice selection of beautiful Asian artworks and Buddhist paintings. There are two bedrooms on this level that have double beds, wooden floors and spacious ensuite bathrooms.

The wooden floorings and Asian décor really give the bedrooms a classy but warm atmosphere. The entertainment features of both bedrooms are TVs with satellite channels and DVD players. The Master Bedroom also has a large open terrace where you can have a seat and enjoy the views overlooking this picturesque estate.

Villa 3

Villa 3 is situated directly next to the snooker pavilion and is very private, perfect for a family. Set over two floors, this villa has four bedrooms, three of which are upstairs while the fourth is downstairs. Making your way into the villa you are greeted by a western standard kitchen equipped with granite countertops, stovetops and tea and coffee making facilities.

Within close proximity to the kitchen, you will also find a dining area with a majestic 6-seat dining table. Making your way to the lounge, you will see a settee, coffee table and entertainment features that include a flat-screen TV with satellite channels and a DVD player. Also on the ground floor is a bedroom that owns a double bed, wooden floors and wardrobes, tall windows and entertainment features such as a DVD player and Samsung TV with international satellite channels.

Although this bedroom doesn’t have an ensuite bathroom, there is a guest bathroom on the same floor with a shower, wash basin and toilet. Upstairs, you will find the other three bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms, wooden floors, TVs with satellite channels and double beds. Within two of the bedrooms there are balconies that in all fairness are big enough to be terraces. Here you can sit with a drink and watch the world go by.



There are nine bedrooms in total spread across the three villas.


The villas have ten bathrooms shared amongst them.

Dining Room

There is a dining room in each villa.


Over the entire estate, you will find three kitchens, two of which are within villas while the third is the main kitchen and is generally used by the onsite cooking staff. This large communal kitchen is where you will find a coffee machine and breakfast bar alongside lots of modern appliances.

Living Rooms

All the three villas have their own lounges.

";i:14;s:17341:" Key Features 

* Three contemporary styled Thai Villas                  * Snooker room/pavilion 
* Large landscaped gardens with several salas      * Floodlit basketball and tennis courts
* Swimming pool and Jacuzzi                                  * Fully-equipped gymnasium

* Perfect family holiday villa                                     * Multilingual onsite staff                                             
* Karaoke room                                                        * Sauna and steam room

This unique Pattaya rental property is set within its own 23 rai estate with three villas with a combined total of nine rooms. The vast selection of choices and features of Villa Grace is simply astounding.

With several Thai Salas, floodlit tennis and basketball courts, gymnasium, an Infinity Edge private swimming pool, a snooker pavilion and lots of water features and terraces, this is like having your very own mini-resort just for you and your travelling companions. When you enter the estate for the first time through the tall gates, you will be pleasantly surprised by the size and spacious garden areas that sprawl out in front of you.

The beauty of the gardens with its maze of walkways, bridges and ponds provides a therapeutic atmosphere for the perfect Pattaya holiday experience. The three villas are positioned in the right hand corner of the estate within close proximity to one another. This is ideal for those travelling together who want a bit of privacy but also want to share lots of quality time together as a group.

With such stunning villa interiors that have that real Asiatic feel to them, in conjunction with the spacious gardens and five-star facilities, this has to be one of the best holiday villa rentals in our collection. With such a spacious area to enjoy, the villas are ideally suited to those travelling with families as there is lots of space for the kids to roam free and enjoy themselves.

Another quality feature of the estate is the mid-garden terrace that is situated directly between the three villas on a raised level and open air, perfect for a spot of outdoor dining or a place to sit with your travelling companions for a few drinks during the evening. The snooker pavilion is also situated in between the three villas.


This amazing mini-resort is situated on the outskirts of southern Pattaya in Huay Yai, which is a scenic and private place just a 10-minute drive from Jomtien Beach and a further 5-minutes from shopping centers such as Tesco Lotus, Makcro and Big C. Also within a 10-minute drive, you can visit Pattaya tourist attractions such as the Pattaya Floating Market, Silverlake Vineyard and Alangkarn Theater.

For golf lovers, the beautiful Phoenix Golf Club is also under a 10-minute drive from the villa. The villa is set within a secure and private location conducive to that extra special relaxing holiday experience. Although the villa is slightly outside of Pattaya, this is one of its most endearing features – a private place away from the action but close enough so you can have a convenient holiday.

Villa 1

This villa is mainly stated as the Main House, and is situated directly next the infinity edge swimming pool. The villa is set over two storeys where you will find a comfortable lounge decorated in Asian style. There is a three piece settee suite for six persons and lots of entertainment facilities such as a DVD player, Sony surround sound system and a Sony TV with international satellite channels.

Вартість оренди (на добу):
вересень:57220 THB57220

Жовтень - Листопад:0 THB0
грудень - лютий:83973 THB83973
Березень - Серпень:57220 THB57220